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There are research fellowships and employment positions for you to be involved in A3D3

2025-2026 Postbaccalaureate Research Fellows

We are seeking postbaccalaureate research fellows to join our interdisciplinary teams of scientists and engineers to develop and deploy artificial intelligence (AI) to accelerate science discoveries in particle physics, astrophysics, biology, and neuroscience.

The next application deadline is February 16, 2025!

Purdue University

Project Description:
Postbacc fellows will work together with mentors to develop advanced machine learning models, graph neural networks in particular, to solve application problems in high-energy physics and neuroscience.

Mia LiuMaria Makin

Desired Competencies (may be learned on the job):
Coding in python; machine learning; some background knowledge in either higher energy physics or neuroscience; technical communication

West Lafayette, IN

UC San Diego

Project Description:
Postbacc fellows will work together with mentors to develop the python-based hls4ml and other AI-hardware codesigns software tools for implementing, compressing, and quantizing neural network algorithms on FPGAs with sub-microsecond inference latency. Fellows will also apply these techniques to collider physics including regression and classification tasks related to jets and missing transverse energy as well as general anomaly detection in the CMS Phase-2 Level-1 trigger.

Javier Duarte

Desired Competencies (may be learned on the job):
Coding in python; machine learning; FPGA firmware development; high-level synthesis; collider physics; trigger; technical communication

La Jolla, CA

University of Minnesota

Project Description:
Postbacc fellows will work together with mentors to develop machine learning applications applied to both gravitational-wave detector such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory and optical telescope data such as that from the Zwicky Transient Facility to detect both gravitational waves and their optical counterparts.

Michael Coughlin

Desired Competencies (may be learned on the job):
Coding in python (and javascript); machine learning; databases; time-domain astronomy; technical communication

Minneapolis, MN

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Project Description:
Postbacc fellows will work together with mentors to develop fast reconstruction methods and applications based on machine learning to improve real-time data selection for event triggering in high-energy physics and multi-messenger astrophysics experiments. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to collaborate with the Illinois interdisciplinary centers Illinois Center for Advanced Studies of the Universe and Center for Artificial Intelligence Innovation in their research.

Mark NeubauerDeming Chen

Desired Competencies (may be learned on the job):
Coding in python; machine learning; ; FPGA firmware development; high-level synthesis; particle physics; detector triggering; technical communication

Champaign-Urbana, IL

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Project Description:
Postbacc fellows will work together with mentors to develop deep learning algorithms applied to either gravitational-wave detector such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory or the Large Hadron Collider to discover new physics events. Additionally students, have the possibility to explore optimized and create their own deep learning architectures.

Philip HarrisErik Katsavounidis, Song Han

Desired Competencies (may be learned on the job):
Coding in python; machine learning; time-domain astronomy/ Paritcle Physics; technical communication; FPGA programming

Boston, MA

Duke University

Project Description:
Postbacc fellows will work together with mentors to develop deep learning algorithms applied to neutrino experiments, with collaborations including the Deep Underground Neutrino ExperimentCOHERENT and SNEWS.

Kate Scholberg

Desired Competencies (may be learned on the job):
Coding in python; machine learning; time-domain astronomy/ particle physics; technical communication; FPGA programming

Durham, NC

University of Washington

Project Description:
Postbacc fellows will work together with mentors to develop deep learning algorithm to i) improve event reconstruction and anomaly detection for high-energy physics trigger system, and/or ii) accelerate processing, organizing, and analyzing massive neural datasets in real time. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to collaborate with the EPEACME Lab, CNC, and Neuro AI Lab in their research.

Scott HauckShih-Chieh Hsu , Amy OrsbornEli Shlizerman

Desired Competencies (may be learned on the job):
Coding in python; machine learning; FPGA firmware development; high-level synthesis; particle physics; neuroscience; technical communication

Seattle, WA

Aerial photo of the University of Washington overlooking a fountain

Georgia Institute of Technology

Project Description:
Postbacc fellows will work together with mentors to develop accelerated and trustworthy machine learning methods to solve application problems in sciences with irregular data. We recently have focused fast transformer models for geometric deep learning, stable models and out-of-distribution generalization.

Pan Li

Desired Competencies (may be learned on the job):
Coding in python; competency in machine learning and math;  technical communication

Atlanta, GA

Postdoctoral Scholar – ATLAS and A3D3

The Department of Physics at the University of Washington invites applications for a post- doctoral scholar position beginning Summer 2024. The successful candidate will work on the ATLAS experiment at the LHC and A3D3 Institute with Professor Shih-Chieh Hsu, collaborating with the UW Elementary-Particle-Experiment (EPE) group, and will be based at CERN.

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